Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Man, seems like every female blogger I know is either pregnant or recently pregnant these days.

Congrats to Chicken and Cheese and Pammiecakes on their new additions.

A super-belated congrats goes out to Momo, whose baby news I lost in the shuffle of both us of moving.

And congrats to LBOTP and Easily Distracted for their impending bundles of joy.

Did I miss anyone?

In the meantime, I ever do return to central Illinois, I'll be sure not to drink the water.


Amy said...

*blows kisses*

Hope we do get to see you again! But I agree - stay away from the water!

Momo said...

Thanks for the congrats on our li'l Matilda...

She's brought quite a lot of joy to us!

It's good to see you're enjoying your NEW life out there...(out here I guess!)
