Some random photo blogging for today. Random thoughts and tidbits for this week.
Absolutely, without a doubt worst frozen pizza ever. Should be good because it's not "diet" but ewwwww. Crappy crust like dried out bread, horrid sauce and way too much grease. File under "icky".

Tomorrow and Sunday are my last two Target work shifts. I have to say that as far as having to work a second job and deal with the public in it, it was very tolerable. Coworkers were cool and nice, customers were for the most part not raging arses and I got a discount on all things Target (rock!). And I earned this crazy little Target dog rent-a-cop thing for getting people to take out redcards. I'd go back if I had to. Nicely done, Tar-zschay.

On January 7th, 2009, it was 62 degrees out when I was on my way from one job to the other. It always seems to be nice on days I have to work, but hey, I'm a happy girl in a place it stays moderate so much of the winter. We had a couple decent thunderstorms this day too. Pretty cool. Snow and ice? Thanks, but no thanks.

This black thong has been in the grass outside my favorite local beering establishment all week. Apparently no one is brave enough to claim it. I think it may be the subject of a research project on the effects of weather on panties. I could be wrong.

That is all.
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