Monday, March 23, 2009

With the current commute, I leave for work at an ungodly dark hour of 6:15am. This morning, I pulled out of the garage, closed the garage door, looked to see if there were cars coming before backing out of the driveway, then promptly almost ran over a man on a bike who I didn't see. Scared the shit out of me and made me feel like Queen Asshole. I did the "I'm sorry" hand sign and mouthing, but I don't think he paid any attention and was more likely muttering about what a crazy bitch I am. And now, the man I almost ran over knows where I live. Life is amazing!

1 comment:

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

I back out of my drive every morning, then turn left about 2 doors down from my house; the morning sun hits my windshield and is simply blinding. I made my turn one morning only to find an older lady that had been crossing the street there literally jumping out of the way, to avoid rolling over the top of my hood. If she hadn't jumped, I would have smooshed her. It scared me to death, and I roll down my windows at that corner every morning, now, and stick my head OUT of the car to make sure no one's coming.