Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat

Christmas is a week and a half away, and the family starts arriving a week from tomorrow, so I'm in full on holiday prep mode now. The cookies are just about done, at least my part in them (I do a bunch and my mom does other ones, then we make trays for us and for friends). This year I made double chocolate, chocolate cherry, chocolate chip, sugar with sprinkles and butterscotch bars. I think it's just chocolate covered pretzels left to do. My mom is on for mint chocolate, date nut pinwheels, and raisin cookies (my dad's fav) and may do one or two more. I also did two banana breads for noshing.

The decorations are done and ready (need to water the tiny tree) and the gifts are bought and mostly wrapped. I think I just have my mom's to wrap and a couple stocking stuffers left. It's not a completely extravagant Christmas with the current situation, but it will be okay I think.

Next step is I need to converse with my mother tomorrow about meals so I can get some grocery shopping done this week. I'm usually better about that than I have been, but we'll figure it out. All I know so far is either Christmas Eve or Christmas day is beef wellington, our traditional dinner. Will probably do a Christmas morning quiche, the banana bread and mimosas, and probably a late lunch/appetizer fondue for the afternoon. Beyond that, not sure.

The hardest part this week is cleaning. My mother is insane about cleanliness, particularly with my two big hairy dogs. I usually try to plan out cleaning over the whole week before she comes so that we're not overwhelmed but get things done that don't get done often (like baseboards and blinds, sofa vaccuuming, etc.). It always feels like a ton of work by the end of the week, but it's got to get done. It is my least favorite part of preparing for them to come.

Really, really looking forward to my Christmas break. As of right now, it appears my ex-boss is a grinch and did not give me my annual raise (along with one other coworker) under the guise of us not being there long enough (I'm coming up on ten months and she is coming on eleven). Trying to be patient and see how that plays out, since I'm kind of working a grievance with the higher powers. I'll be pissed if I'm just out a year of raise money, but I'll deal with that when I know for sure.

Other than all that, I only have one burn from the cookies so far. :)

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