This morning it took every ounce of willpower to come to work with a blood pressure level slightly under control, thanks to Scrooge's no raise maneuver. When I arrive, low and behold what is sitting on my office chair? A wrapped coffee mug and Starbucks gift card from Ebinezer. I nearly went postal. I am contemplating leaving it back on his chair with a postit that says "no thanks".
I just wonder (hope?) if when he came in to leave it on my chair (in my locked office), he glanced at the two job listings sitting in the open right on top of my desk.
Close, $15. Asshat.
my husbands job closed for the first time to save money on christmas eve....
they then let us know they are also docking everyones pay...
merry christmas, 20.00 GC to publix and 140.00 docked off his paycheck.
at least starbucks has good coffee! :P
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