Saturday, January 12, 2008

Reconsider everything

It's amazing how fast things can change in one's life. This last week has been so strange, and it's left me in a strange place with myself (again). A bizarre combination of interactions with people in life, one from my past and three from since I moved here, has left me once again wondering where the heck I'm heading in my own. It was a weird week for sure and I have some more soul-searching to do from it all. Sometimes I wonder if I should just isolate myself until I figure shit out, but then I know that the interactions with others are required to get anything sorted out in the first place.

None of this is bad, necessarily. Just continued growth on my part.


Amy said...

Sweet jaysus, lady, were you hosting a hockey team?

Ms. Maladjusted said...

LOL. That sounds dirty. :)

It was just one of those odd planet alignments where a bunch of things happen at once I think, albeit randomly. They are usually enough to bash me over the head with "WTF are you doing?". I never have an answer ready immediately, and it usually gives me pause to sort through it all again. It's really just a process for me I guess, but so is my life really.