If you're going to be an arse and pull a right turn at warp speed right in front of me just because you can't wait the two seconds for me to pass by the intersection, at least have the common effin' decency to go AT LEAST the speed limit, but preferably faster than I want to drive.
I'd really like to see the government tell all these banks, businesses, cities, airlines, train industries, etc. to fuck off and fix their own shit. They got themselves into this mess, it's a system designed to weed out the weak and if you aren't able to sustain, you go under. That's the nature of the system. How about instead of bailing out these assholes with CEOs still making multimillions, they go ahead and funnel that money directly to the people who can't put food on the table for their kids, or gas in their cars to get to work, or heat in their houses for the winter? How about they contribute to the system for welfare since so many more people need it now, and maybe bump up the rediculously low levels of criteria? How about we do this whole "by the people, FOR the people" thing for real? We've all been paying into this bullshit system our whole lives, so I think it's about time for it to give back.
Yay for the last couple minutes of The Office last night! I want a Jim of my own.
I'm tired of all the rain. It seems like we've had so much lately. And when it comes, it lasts for days. Too wet. Makes my dog unhappy. Tracks mud into my house. Creates uncontrollable hair. Survey says: sucky.
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