Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Funny that Mrs. Chicken blogged about this particular topic today, since I have very recently taken efforts to make that same choice. Yes folks, next week on the 19th I go in for my consultation to have my tubes tied. I'm dunzo on the whole birthin' babies thing, thank you very much. Completely and totally sold on the fact that with a teenager and one horribly failed, waste of 8 years of my life marriage, there is no way I want to start over with an infant again. I have the world's perfect kid already (ok, I'm biased, but she is!) and there is no way I'm tempting fate again. I had her by myself. I'm raising her by myself. And I'm not having another one. Period.

When I was married I gave about two seconds consideration to having another kid with the ex. Enough that I went off depo (not a bad decision in and of itself) and onto the pill since that was easier to quit and get pregnant on should I decide to do so. I quickly then realized the above and have been on the pill ever since. I've now managed to achieve most of the stupid wonky side effects from it, so at this point I'm ready to be done with both the hormones and the babies. Done, done, done. Did I mention done?

So hopefully they will quickly schedule me for the surgery next week when I'm in. It would be grand to be done worrying about it by Christmas. It's not for everyone, and I don't fault people for wanting more kids by any means, but I know my limits and I'm happy with the one great kid I've got. I'm so very lucky that she is as good and cool as she is turning out to be, and I'm a happy and proud mom quite content with just one.

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